哺乳育婴 | Community Support
我们支持哺乳。但同时也尊重顾客的意愿以,给予支持与关爱。 |
We are a breastfeeding-friendly confinement centre. But at the same time, we also respect the wishes of customers and gives support and care. |
踏上哺乳这条路不难,但要坚持走下去却困难重重。 |
It is seriously not difficult at all to embark on the two-year road of breastfeeding, but it is extremely difficult to stay on it. |
“我的奶量分泌不够多怎么办?” |
"What should I do if my milk is not enough?" |
“乳房发胀疼痛,是不是形成乳腺炎了?” |
"My breasts are swollen and painful, is it a form of mastitis?" |
“宝贝是不是不适合喝母乳而导致腹泻?” |
“Is it true that breast milk that cause my baby to have diarrhea?” |
在倾世王妃,我们有合格受训的同伴辅导员陪伴妈咪们一同破解有关于哺乳的迷思。我们给与妈咪们的鼓励,是妈咪给孩子最好营养的动力。 |
At Paragon Confinement Centre, we have qualified and trained peer breastfeeding counselors to provide advice and guidance to new mothers on breastfeeding: the techniques, facts and help them dispel all doubts and misconceptions about breastfeeding. |
认识我们受认证的哺乳同伴辅导员 | Meet Our Certified Breastfeeding Counselors
Shirlyn Soo
Certified Breastfeeding Peer Counselor |
Candy Tan
Certified Breastfeeding Peer Counselor |
我们非常注重哺乳知识以及在妈妈们涨奶时给予支持。所有的护理人员都经过专业的培训,在妈妈入住期间,我们会教导您如何预防乳腺发炎及乳腺疏通指导。在护理人员的照料下,我们很高兴的看到许多妈妈们都能更舒适的度过乳房肿胀的艰难时期。妈妈们的心理因素是我们首要照顾的,哺乳固然重要,但身心灵的健康不可忽视。现在就咨询更多关于我们对哺乳期的支援及帮助! |
以下是一些哺乳教学影片,提供哺乳妈妈们作为参考。认识及学习正确的哺乳方式会让你更舒服的应对哺乳期。 |
Attaching Your Baby at Your Breast |
Breastfeeding Positions |
How to Perform Hand Express and Massage |
Is Your Baby Getting Enough Milk? |