关于我们 | About Us
倾世王妃月子养生殿 (新山月子中心 | 新山陪月中心) 成立于2016年,坐落在新山茂奥斯汀花园 (Taman Mount Austin Johor Bahru (JB) )。本中心秉持着融合传统护理经验及现代医学理念,旗下拥有经验丰富的合格护士,保姆及月子餐厨师,立志为妈妈和新生儿提供全方位的专业照顾。 |
Established in 2016, Paragon Confinement Centre Johor Bahru (JB) is strategically located at Taman Mount Austin and has integrated nursing experience with modern medical philosophy since its inception. The centre has recruited many qualified nurses, nannies and chefs, all determined to provide the best and utmost professional care for mothers and newborns. |
团队的宗旨 | Our Objectives
我们坚信所有的小细节都关乎着一个企业的成败,所以我们精益求精,在每一次的服务中累计经验而且不断改善及学习。对每一个服务项目及用品的品质我们都严加把关,用我们的暖心让你放心,随着你感受到我们的用心和贴心,最后能安心享受美好的坐月子时光。 |
We firmly believe that every minute detail with determine the success of a company, thus, we strive for excellence and learn continuously from our experiences to constantly improve and grow. We are noncompromisingly strict with our quality of services, products, supplies and food ingredients because to us, you and your baby deserves nothing but the best from us. |
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我们秉持以礼待人,关怀备至的理念对待每一位妈咪和宝宝。我们衷心希望所有顾客都能在这里体验王妃般的待遇,在产褥期间能够安心舒逸的休养。 |
Our core philosophy is to provide you with the best postpartum care possible and to give your baby the love, attention and care a newborn should be given and treat you the way we want to be treated. We sincerely hope that all our customers will experience our best service and care during their stay with us and get a well-deserved rest during their confinement. |
企业的理念 《传承》
坐月子是女人生完孩子后最难挨也最漫长的一段时间。尽管身体不适还要迁就一些传统月子的陋习: 譬如一个月不能洗头,不能吃蔬菜,不能吹风吹冷气。还有一些你意想不到的离谱规则,让妈妈们感到身心疲惫,有的更一度产后忧郁,久久不能释怀。
我们的团队以科学坐月子的理念加上对婴儿专业照顾来解决妈妈们的问题。 团队会负责灌输家长及长辈重要及正确的护理知识,让两代人能在传统与现代月子取得平衡,促进家庭和谐。同时,我们也设计了一份营养均衡的餐单,让妈妈们从不同的食物取得各种营养,补充身体在怀孕期间流失的养分。
我们希望坐月子这份传统得以世世代代传承,让伟大的妈妈们都能健健康康,美丽如初。 |
定期培训及员工团队建设 | Regular Training and Team Building
我们的员工都像家人一样,每个月会有聚会及庆生活动,并为员工安排休闲及健身活动,让大家都有归属感,并为工作带来愉快。只有保持身心健康,才能更好的照顾妈妈和宝宝。顾客们的赞赏和肯定也是对护理人员最好的奖励! |
Taking care of babies and mothers for long hours is a big challenge for nursing staff. Besides having professional knowledge of nursing and postpartum care, the mental state of the nursing staff is also equally important. Our nursing staff are all Malaysian citizens. Nursing staff need to attend various training regularly.
Our nursing staff are trained in first aid to better deal with emergencies. The lecturer will share examples to instil how to do well in nursing management, safety management and strengthen nursing quality. Meantime, the management staff will monitor mummy and new-borns’ health report daily to ensure that all mothers and babies are well taken care of.
We treat our employees as our family members. There will be gathering and birthday celebration every month. Also, leisure and fitness activities are arranged so that everyone has a sense of belonging and enjoy working in Paragon. By maintaining physical and mental health, we are able to take good care of mother and baby. The appreciation and recognition of customers is also the best reward for our nursing staff and other employees from various departments. |